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- * by Merlyn/TMG *
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- Warm candlelight illuminated the flowing, snowy beard of the wizard
- leaning comfortably back in the darkblue dewlap chair.
- Lifting the large tankard, he lazily blew spume off the top before
- taking a deep swallow. (draft?)
- Replacing the tankard, he closed his eyes, let loose a slight belch and
- patted his rounded belly contently.
- A huge coalblack raven swept silently through the large chamber and
- alighted on the back of the dewlap chair.
- Large, cunning eyes glittered down at the snoring sorceror.
- Turning its head towards the deep shadows at the back of the chamber,
- the raven clicked its beak softly.
- An undistinct shadow distached itself from the shadows and glided towards
- the fireplace.
- A blackgloved hand holding a small phial hovered over the wizard's
- tankard.
- Having carefully tipped the phial's contents into the tankard, the hand
- withdrew.
- A small card bearing a strange symbol suddenly fluttered to the stone
- floor.
- A red hand clutching an arcanely drawn "N" decorated the card.
- Moments later a gentle draft of wind briefly fanned the fireplace's
- flames.
- Deep down under the towering Castle Camelot lay the all but forgotten
- dungeons of yonder years.
- Dimly remembered by only a few of the eldest members of the numerous
- staff employed at King Arthur's Castle, the dungeons had lain almost
- neglected for years.
- The sudden appearance of a flickering torch startled myriads of mice
- into headlong flight.
- Grotesque shadows danced over tall bookcases, chased each other across
- huge tapestries and played hide-and-seek among old, rusty suits of
- armour.
- The young magic-user let his eyes rove over the fabulous treasures
- gathered in the ancient dungeons.
- Wielding the torch, he searched eagerly among the vast amount of
- artifacts, talismans, treasures, brick-a-bracks, scrolls, tomes of
- spellbooks and chests of various sizes.
- This part of the dungeons contained among other items, the larger part
- of Merlyn's collection of various treasures (real and imaginary), which
- he had collected during his extensive travels in the M'Yiomoza Lands.
- A faint mental tugging led the bright-eyed youngster to a small chest,
- bound with rusty iron bonds.
- Tentatively lifting the chest, measuring it for weight and hopefully not
- releasing any hidden traps in the process, the magic-user carried the
- chest to a nearby table.
- After having inspected the lock, he carefully opened the clasp next to
- the lock.
- Slowly lifting the lid, he peered intently into the unlocked depths.
- Laying on a bed of black velvet was a dagger of an unsual design.
- The handle was made of two strange-looking dragons fighting.
- The blade a slender, silvertoned weapon, where shimmering images
- undulated in and out of focus along its razorsharp edge.
- The top of the handle consisted of a large, silvery, crystaline
- gemstone.
- Obviously a weapon of exceptional value and more than possible magical
- abilities, it infused the young magic-user with reverence and awe.
- Carefully picking the treasure up, the youth hastily left the dungeons.
- "The Neydars are in fact a branch of the Red Hand Society", lectured the
- sternfaced warrior.
- "Really? I had no idea. I thought these new fiends were another bunch of
- no-good, lazy-boned, fickleheaded orc....."
- "No. They're far worse than any raiding orc band, I'm afraid",
- interrupted the warrior.
- The old wizard eyed his youthfull guest warily.
- "I do find these news highly disturbing", he stated, "it's certainly
- fortunate that you came avisiting these parts of the M'Yiomoza Lands.
- So far we've had major encounters with several parties of the infamous
- Red Hand Society. They've been instrumental in the death of several
- members of the Magic Guild. But no-one has as yet met with any Neydars.
- Olriksson-Harl, did you say?
- I once knew a knight by that name. Let me see, it must have been about
- the time when Arthur and I sought out that fair ...."
- Stopping suddenly and peering myopically at his visitor, the wizard
- smiled indulgently.
- "Now now, my impatient firebrand. Arthur will get your information soon
- enough. As a matter of fact I'll convey the dire news as soon as our
- Sovereign Lord is back from his bear hunt."
- Raising to his feet, the old wizard shuffled over to a tall, matt-black
- cupboard.
- Rummaging around for a while, muttering under his breath, the wizard
- finally found what he was searching for.
- Lifting out a large crystal ball, he re-seated himself and placed the
- shining artifact on the scarred table between them.
- "Let me show you where Arthur is just ..."
- Interrupted by the sudden enterance of a slightly disheveled, young
- magic-user, the old man stopped.
- "Master, master! Look what I've found!", exclaimed the intruder breath-
- lessly.
- Brandishing an ornate dagger, the young rushed over to the table.
- "So, I'm literally beliegered by impatience today", chuckled the old
- wizard.
- "Welcome, Kit! May I have the pleasure of introducing you to my visitor.
- This is a traveller from far-off lands. Meet Ragnar Olriksson-Harl from
- the Thorvalian Lands."
- Turning towards Ragnar he beamed and indicating the youth said;
- "Meet my apprentice Kit BlueRibbon. An impatient youngster of exceptional
- talents and promises."
- Gingerly taking the dagger, the old wizard examined the strange-looking
- weapon.
- "Ah, yes. This is one of the more obscure artifacts I've come across.
- As far as I can recall it came into my possession in a rather curious
- manner.
- Some years ago a travelling troop of acrobats and artists of various
- talents performed at Castle Camelot.
- In this particular troop was a strikingly beautiful, young woman.
- Unfortunately the beauty's husband, a member of the same troop, caught
- his wife and Sir Gawain in a rather compromising situation.
- The husband turned out to be a juggler and extremely versatile with
- daggers.
- The rumpus alerted the castle guards, who promptly arrested the enraged
- husband, but not in time to stop the aforesaid from literally nailing
- Sir Gawain to the four-poster, with a couple of daggers!
- A rather critical as well as embarrassing situation all round.
- Sir Gawain, although seriously wounded, escaped the icy clutches of
- Death.
- The juggler possessed a particular dagger, which healed Gawain's wounds!"
- At the mention of the "healing" dagger, Ragnar sat up straight.
- "Being a newcomer to King Arthur's Realm, you may be unfamiliar with Sir
- Gawain and his fellow-knights of the Round Table", continued the wizard.
- "King Arthur's most trusted and valued knights form the Company of the
- Round Table, where each knight has his own chair. Each of these chairs
- bear a plaque with it's owner's name on it.
- The two foremost knights in this illustrious company are Sir Lancelot
- and Sir Gawain."
- "Isn't Sir Gawain King Arthur's cousin as well, Merlyn?", asked Kit.
- "Aye, that he is", consided Merlyn, looking slightly put out by the
- interruption.
- "Anyway, the loss of Sir Gawain would naturally be a great and tragic
- one to the Realm as well as to Arthur", continued Merlyn.
- "The performing troop was banned from the M'Yiomoza Lands and the
- juggler sentenced to death."
- The young apprentice now listened wide-eyed to the enfolding tale.
- "However, being Arthur's main advisor as well as tutor from the time he
- was a mere toddler, do have it's advantages.
- I managed to persuade Arthur to spare the juggler's life and as a direct
- consequence I received a mysterious package the day after the troop's
- departure.
- A young page from the Court brought me a box, given him by a travelling
- bard having just arrived at Camelot.
- The package contained this very artifact", concluded Merlyn, brandishing
- the silvertoned dagger.
- "So you healed this Gawain with the dagger?", queried Ragnar, eyeing the
- blade intently.
- "Quite by accident, I assure you. But yes, I brought the dagger to Gaw
- to try and cheer him up. As soon as he touched this dagger his wounds
- miraculously closed! Most fortunate and surprising! Having no more
- immediate use of the thing I simply put it in the dungeons of Camelot,
- where I have stored some of my more outlandish gear. Mostly to keep
- nosey-bodies away from stuff that could their inquisitive beaks!"
- This last directed towards his fellow-dweller in the Crystal Cave;
- a huge, highly intelligent owl called Archimedes.
- "May I examine the artifact, please?", asked Ragnar.
- "Why, certainly", exclaimed Merlyn, handing the dagger to his visitor.
- Examining the blade carefully, Ragnar's brow furrowed in deep thought.
- "This may just be it", he cried,"most likely this is one of the fabled
- artifacts known as the Rashtul Blades!
- Artifacts of incredible magical potents, capable of ridding our Lands of
- the Dark forces of Evil. Including the fearsome Red Hand Society!"
- "Are you saying these blades can actually defeat sorcerors of awesome
- powers just like that?", Merlyn sounded critical to put it mildly.
- "Undoubtedly", asserted Ragnar,"why my own experiences show this
- clearly."
- "Ahem, Master?", Kit interrupted once more,"I think you ought to take a
- look at this."
- Turning irritably from his visitor, Merlyn squinted at his apprentice.
- Indicating the old wizard's crystal ball, Kit swallowed nervously.
- A most disturbing sight greeted the trio as they crowded round the
- scrying ball.
- Adam HornHaver, one of the wizards in the conclave of wizards known as
- The Magic Guild, lay slumped in his armchair, frothing around the
- mouth!
- For a moment Merlyn stared stunned at the picture in the crystal ball.
- Could Adam possibly be ...?
- Suddenly an aweful thought struck the old wizard!
- Adam had volunteered for the quest involving the destruction of the
- Band of Assassins. Could they possibly have outmanouvered...?
- While these contemplations raced through Merlyn's mind, Kit sought out
- his mentor's spell book, anticipating a sudden departure from the
- Crystal Cave.
- "Who is available, Kit?"
- The question was expected, so Kit answered quickly; "Apart from us
- there are no members of The Magic Guild in the area, as far as I know.
- Maybe Arthur could spare a few of his knights?"
- Mulling over this request, the leader of The Magic Guild trotted back
- and forth before the fireplace.
- "Right!", having come to a decision, Merlyn rounded on his guests.
- "How about it, friend? Do you want to participate in a rescue operation
- and hopefully be instrumentral in saving a dear friend of mine?
- I do hope this blade of yours possess such abilities as you claim,
- cause I fear something is far amiss with Adam."
- "Adam?", asked Ragnar.
- "Adam HornHaver is one of the Guilders", explained Kit indicating the
- man in the crystal ball.
- "Of course", exclaimed Ragnar enthusiastically,"if I may be of any
- assistance to The Magic Guild I'm more than willing to lend my blade
- and arm to this quest!"
- A few hours later the party set forth for Adam HornHaver's tower, known
- as the Horn, Archimedes leading.
- A quick detour to Castle Camelot enlarged the party with two knights;
- Sir Braemain and sir Letessier. Two stout and grizzled veterans of
- numerous campaigns and quests.
- The morning-mist swivelled ominious and tentacle-like around the
- travel-weary party as they crested the hillock.
- The silhouette of the Horn swam ghostlike and eerie in the mist a short
- distance from where Merlyn and his party had halted their horses.
- Scrutinizing the tower, Ragnar could detect no signs of life.
- "Recommendable, but to no avail, I'm afraid", rumbled Sir Letessier's
- deep voice,"you won't discover anything yet. The mist's too heavy and
- the miscreants long gone."
- Blushing self-consciously the young warrior cast an embarassed glance
- at Sir Letessier.
- Kit jumped gracefully from his horse and flinging the reins to Merlyn,
- moved panther-like into the murky fog.
- Muttering a startled and vitriolic oath, the ancient wizard grabbed the
- reins and stared impotently after his apprentice.
- Turning towards Sir Letessier, who answered Merlyn's unvoiced question
- by shaking his head.
- Kit impulsively entered the Horn, luckily without setting off any traps
- and without encountering any of the Neydars.
- Having concluded that the evil forces had indeed left the Horn, the
- young, rash apprentice fetched his companions.
- Having examined the Horn thoroughly, the magical trio entered the tower
- proper, leaving the two valient knights as guards outside the Horn.
- A quick search of HornHaver's tower revealed no expected monsters or
- traps of any sort.
- In the workroom of the tower they found the Master of the Horn, laying
- slumped half out of his deep armchair. Just like the image in Merlyn's
- crystal ball had depicted.
- Storming forward Merlyn grabbed his unfortunate friend and examined him
- feverishly.
- Finding no outward wounds, Merlyn stretched out Adam's legs and turned
- imploringly towards Ragnar.
- "This is no malady of any known kind", pronounced Ragnar after having
- an performed an extensive examination himself.
- "We can't let him just lie here", protested Kit despairingly, "even
- though it looks like he's only taking a nap, he probably won't awaken
- by himself! Almost like letting him become a zombie of sort!"
- "You're quite right, my young friend", commented Ragnar, drawing the
- usual dagger from it's newly fashioned scabbard.
- Gently laying the slim blade against Adam's right temple, Ragnar waited.
- After some agonising, nerve-raking moments HornHaver suddenly blinked
- and yawned!
- Stretching his arms and legs, HornHavrer suddenly became aware of his
- visitors.
- Stumbling to his feet he rounded on Merlyn, with narrowed eyes.
- "What happened?", his voice rasped harshly, "I seem to remember ..."
- A blank look stole over the wizard's features.
- "As far as I can unravel this mystery you seem to have been a victim of
- The Red Hand Society!"
- Merlyn sounded releaved and angered at the same time.
- "Have you ever seen one of these before?", asked Kit holding up a
- visiting card, depicting a clenched red hand clutching a captital,
- ornate "N".
- "No, can't say I have", Adam HornHaver sounded unsure.
- "But I have!"
- Ragnar grabbed the card and cluthed it in a white-knuckled, fiery grip.
- "This gentlemen, is the calling card I told Merlyn about back in his
- Crystal Cave. This is usually accompanied by scores of ravished,
- mutilated bodies. This is the Neydars, beyond doubt!"
- "What possible motive could they have for risking some of their very
- best assassins just to get one of our numbers?", asked Kit innocently.
- "I thank, Thee, Sire! For belittling me into just one of your numbers!",
- rasped HornHaver highly indignantly!
- "Sorry, Sire!", cried Kit,"it wasn't meant like that! I just can't
- figure out..."
- "Enough", interrupted Merlyn,"Kit is right, of course. What were so
- important about ...? Or have the Red Hand come out of hiding and
- declared an all-out war against The Magic Guild?"
- The issue were debated far into the night, with no useful results.
- Having restored Adam HornHaver miraculously back to health using the
- magic blade SilverFang, the wizards set about arranging a spontanous
- celebration party.
- Having secured the Horn against any invaders of any sort, the two
- knights were invited into the Horn!
- The very next night the company held a party much talked about around
- the Round Table in years to come!
- The high spot of the celebration was unwittingly done by Archimedes.
- Having discovered a large jar behind some dusty piles of mouldy books
- and scrolls, the arch-owl withdrew the cork and put the jar to beak, so
- to speak.
- Mistaking the substance for dwarven spirits, one of Archimedes' few
- addictions,... nay vices, he downed the lot in one huge swallow!
- Unfortunately the liquid had only a dubious smell in common with dwarven
- spirits.
- The elixir was in fact an invention of Hornhaver's, designed to cure
- baldheadedness.
- As the moon arose huge and ocre over the Horn, an ominious shadow etched
- itself against the yellow disc.
- A large, flying hairball cursing and cajouling.
- Peals of laughter followed Archimedes on his way back to the Crystal
- Cave!
- From "The Magic Guild and The Rashtuls Blades" papers.
- 1994 Merlyn/Chief Chronicler for The Magic Guild